Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has ever seen or developed an application where any PIC processor (I assume one of the higher performance devices) was used as the basis for an embedded web server? You might find this question a bit surprising, however, I have recently read an article about an embedded web server designed around an 8051 CPU (see Circuit Cellar Ink, pp 60-64, volume #88, Nov 1997). In this article, the remote-server software "engine" is said to typically consume just over 1 kilobyte of ROM and ~30 bytes of RAM! If this is true, why couldn't a high-end PIC processor be used in a similar application? BTW, the application in the above article was simply to turn a red and green LED on and off and to vary the intensity of the LEDs, remotely via the WWW, of course. The article does provide some interesting food for thought, however, as to what could be done with a relatively cheap embedded web server! Any comments from any PIC gurus (or anybody else, for that matter) "out there"? I thought that this would be a terrific application for a PIC, if the right software "development tools" were available. Regards, Gary Pepper e-mail: gpepper@capitalnet.com