> You can run most of the pic's at higher speeds and they usually work > okay with no errors, > but.... you have to heatsink them or you might let the smoke out. Wow! Is the heat dissipation so high? I think I am not really clear about the working of the 16C71 A/D. According to what I understand there are two separate timings to take care of -- acquisition time and conversion time. Right? Suppose I want to sample an analog signal at 8Khz. So I want the A/D to take a sample every 125us and convert it. I can control the conversion by the GO/DONE bit (bit2 in ADCON0). How do I control the acquistion? I want the A/D to convert the sample which is taken every 125us. Do I do it by turning the ADON (bit 0 in ADCON0) bit on/off. What I was thinking of was to program the timer to give an interrupt every 125us. Then in the interrupt service routine, set the ADON bit to 1, wait for about 10us then start the conversion. After the conversion is complete, read the ADRES register and then turn off the A/D by turning of the ADON bit. After doing all the processing, return from the ISR and wait for the next interrupt. Is this procedure right? Thanks, Amey