Sorry to increase the noise ratio but I need some info that maybe someone can help me with. Does anyone know of an FAQ or mailing list where I can get some help/advice on serial communication coding with Visual C++ v5 on Win95. (C/C++ is very new to me). I'm writing a DLL for serial comms that works perfectly in the lab but bombs out in the field and I'm at the point of ripping my hair out!( YES I have modelled the lab side properly ) Thanks Jacques Vrey Iscor Steel Profile Products Internal Post Point 74 PO Box 2 Newcastle 2940 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)3431 48759 Fax: +27 (0)3431 48001 The views expressed above are not necessarily those of Iscor Limited. I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. (Chinese Proverb)