> >Actually, the copper foil technique was developed precisely because it > >is easier than the heat transfer method, and produces vastly superior > >results. It is very dificult for most people to get consistent > >results with the TEC sheets (and similar products), and the very fact > >that the toner is transferred twice limits the minimum reliable trace > >width. This new method promises high quality prototype PCB's with a > >minimum of fuss. > > That method might be better or worse, but > I've seldom had a problem with the toner transfer film. > Ocassionally I'll screw one up, but not too often. :-) I've used Press-N-Peel Blue; someone showed me that if you just iron on the pattern, a blue stuff will often come off the sheet (and onto the PCB) where it shouldn't, but that this may be remedied by sticking clear package tape (what I call "strapping tape") onto the board and then rem- oving it. The blue stuff that isn't held onto the board by toner will come off on the tape, but the stuff with toner on it will stick to the board instead. Unfortunately, I haven't found a good way of dealing with the fact that PNP can shrink or distort slightly when heated, but that's usually not too bad a problem if the pads are drawn fairly large.