Mike wrote: > Hello, > > I have been developing my latest PIC project on a 16C84, but the PIC that > will > actually be used is a 16C71, but without the ADCs. > > The code is working on the C84, but port A doesn't work properly on the > C71. > > I have turned off the ADC by clearing ADCON1. Is there anything else I need > to do? > > Thanks for your help (again), > > Michael For ports do you use this method BSF STATUS,RP0 MOVLW B'XXXXXXXX' MOVWF PORTA MOVWF PORTB BCF STATUS,RP0 or this method CLRF PORTA CLRF PORTB MOVLW B'XXXXXXX' TRIS PORTA TRIS PORTB Since 16c84 works with using 2 Th. method if you are using 2th method this is the problem other wise send me the code I will try to make it work for you. I have picmaster probe for 71. Andre ========================================== = http://www.compufire.com = = mailto:andre@compufire.com = = mailto:mcu-engineering@compufire.com = = Andre Abelian: Engine Electronics, Inc.= = Tel 909-589-5485 Fax 909-598-5695 = ==========================================