The topic was covered some time ago on the PICLIST. One had a problem when Vcc fall, and then rise again, but not fall to zero. Then both WDT and reset hang and it was needed to power off the chip. Even external reset did not work. I think that the way to do it must be an external WDT to power of and on the chip. It may cause problems with remembering data, but they may be stored in the flash. Another had problems with similar behavior of the PIC16F84 chip. It erased data in it's flash if the power was turned of and up (slowly?). Maybee you need a checksum too? Several years ago, I had a project with a LCD-display. It worked perfect, but after days or weeks it hang. I needed to power off and power up. I decided to always make it possible to power up and off by software, and e.g. verify the data on the display and do an automatic reset when it hang, or to reset it automatic with some intervals. Maybee a lot of chips has similar behavior if noise, or other transient on Vcc occeurs? Regards, Jens Dyekjfr Madsen