> >We used microstepped steppers plus gearing and have similar OTT numbers for > >pulses/degree. > Are you counting the pulses to the stepper motors or have you got separate > encoders? I'm counting pulses. The steppers are micro-stepped 128x and a full speed slew is just over 1MHz input pulse rate. I was expecting to have problems with mechanical slippage and/or possibly stepper/translator errors, but it seems to work well. I'm using simple opto interrupters for reference points and getting repeatability of around an arc-second on a limit to limit slew. All of this is being done by an 8 bit micro, including environmental monitoring, opening/closing the observatory, measurement scheduling, positioning, filter selection, photon counting from the PMT, simple error checking for clouds etc and then emailing the results to the appropriate people after a night observing. Excluding the stepper translators and the modem, the whole controller cost <$1000 for 5 units. Now they want to use area CCDs (which we technical types wanted in the first place), so the whole exercise was a bit of a waste of time. The CCD needs a hard disk to save piles of data and has a huge field of view (compared to a PMT) so a commercial controller, CCD and PC probably would have done the job. Aarghh ! Bloody astronomers. :-) Steve. ====================================================== Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680 email: steveb@kcbbs.gen.nz New Lynn, Auckland ph +64 9 820-2221 New Zealand fax +64 9 820-1929 ======================================================