On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Glenn Nafin wrote: > Help what software can I use on the PIC-1+ Programmer > from ITU. help.....I do not like the stuff that came with it I'm using picprg.2.1 by Brian Lane. It needed a slight change to work with my PIC-1. It runs under Linux. The next version should support the PIC-1 and PIC-1+ without changes. The software is at http://www.eskimo.com/~nexus I can send you my patch, if Brian doesn't have the new release done yet. It's ugly, so it would be better to wait for Brian to do it right. If you install my patch, the software won't work with other PIC programmers. By the way, you sent 2 postings to the list. If you send the command set piclist repro to the listserver, you'll be able to see your own postings. Otherwise, you're never sure if it got there. Sometimes some stupid mailer will send error messages to the wrong place, such as a list poster, rather than the list maintainer. -- paulh@hamjudo.com http://www.hamjudo.com The April 97 WebSight magazine describes me as "(presumably) normal".