I wrote: > > At the Embedded Systems Conference last October, someone [Bob > > Blick or Andy Errington, I think] mentioned that .... the > > Tamagotchi manufacturers had locked up most of the world's ASIC > > production, so none of the foundries were taking new > > non-Tamagotchi designs. and Wayne Foletta replied: > I don't understand - all reports I have read indicate we have half > idle wafer fabs world-wide and capacity expanding in all product > lines at twice the demand rate. What's unique out Tamagotchi ASICs? > Maybe the fab houses are just turning away low margin ASIC > customers. Maybe, Wayne... Or maybe the problem lasted only a very short time, or maybe the information I heard was totally wrong. I don't know... I was just repeating what I'd heard at the show. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499