Hi all, I'm new to the list and to most of the technologies discussed here and was wondering if any of you could help me on a project I'm undertaking: Basically, I want to input a certain digital pulse train (who's rate may vary) to a PIC (ie: 10101010...), determine the rate of these pulses (in other words compare the number of 1's received to a certain time base) , make certain mathematical computations on this rate value (perhaps divisions, additions) to output this result onto a small screen (I dont know what I'll use yet) which can display a sign and 3 digits like this: +18.8 (display controlled by approx. 30 pins?) What I want to do is express the rate of 1's received as a percentage of some base value. The screen may show, for example: +2.3 (%) Example: if I input a pulse at 90 1's per second and the base value is 100 per second, I want the output of the PIC to display on some screen "-10%" . What PIC do you suggest I use? What I'm worried about is outputting to a screen (as I can see many people are having similar problems). Do you have any general comments on my project (like problems you have run in to in the past) which could help me out? I really appreciate any help you can give me. I guess personal replies are the best way to go about helping me (I dont want to clutter up the list)... --Christo