I am new to the world of PICs and have just purchased a PIC16C84 programmer and some PICs to play around with. I have some experience in the world of electronics, but have almost none in the world of PICs. I am interested in using Marc Simons LCD display routines, but I am not sure what changes are needed to his code (for a 16C54) to make this work with a 16C84 (if possible or if any). His code (found at "http://www.iaehv.nl/users/pouweha/lcd_examp.htm" in the file "http://www.iaehv.nl/users/pouweha/msimons.zip") displays on a standard LCD display using only 3 IO pins, one HEF4094 and a transistor. This appeals greatly to me as my next PIC project requires at least 7 IOs. Thanks in advance.... Richard Mansfield r i c h - m a n s f i e l d at g e o c i t i e s dot c o m