I am using the PIC16C74 and the CCS C compiler to write my code. I am trying to use 2 interrupt service routines to do everything I need done and for the PIC to sleep the rest of the time. I am using a timer and a change on port B interrupt. The problem I am having is that the CCS compiler does not allow calls to functions in ISR's, all functions must be compiled "inline" but this uses up too much code space. My idea was to wake from sleep, set a global variable in the ISR, then when the ISR finishes, check that global variable in the main section of my code. After an ISR that woke the processor from sleep finishes, what will the processor do next? Will it continue from right after the sleep command was executed? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please respond directly to me as I only get the digest form once a day. -- Steven Katz Electronics Engineer IEP Group, Inc. skatz@iepgroup.com (919)787-8666(Voice) (919)787-5432(Fax) http://www.iepgroup.com