Rock Thompson wrote: > > I'd appreciate any suggestions on inexpensive LCD drivers to use with > a PIC. I'm building an exercise computer with three 4 digit LCDs (7 > segment). I think that's too many to drive directly with the PIC, and > the PIC with a built-in LCD driver is expensive (and I guess I'd need > one for each LCD). > > I'm thinking of a 16F84 controlling three LCD drivers or maybe one > driver multiplexed amoung the three LCDs. > This is my first project using LCDs (for low power) and the blasted > things seem more complicated than LEDs. Which drivers and method make > sense to use? > > I am so consumed with designing this that I've given up exercising > until it is done. I'm turning to fat even as you read this. Please > help. > _________________________________________________________ > DO YOU YAHOO!? > Get your free address at I have done for PIC16F84 (I used the Tango for D.O.S for the Schematic) (PIC16F84 WITH FOUR 7 SEGMENT DISPLAYS) Do you want? :))) MIGUEL.