>>From: Oyvind Kaurstad >>Please do *NOT* post binaries to mailing lists or newsgroups! It makes >>people very angry!!!! >Well Excuse me, but I thought that a lot of Newsgroups existed purely for >the exchange of Binaries, not that I know what is in them . Also if >your so outraged by the attachment of binaries why include them in your >reply and add further to the noise level. You've been confused by the headers. I did *NOT* include the whole binary in my reply, I was commenting on a guy who did. The top sentence that you've included was not written by me, but by the other guy. And you're right, it's very common to post binaries in newsgroups, but this is not, I repeat NOT, a newsgroup. And I believe it was a mistake both by the guy who sent the binary in the first place and the guy who replied and quoted the whole thing. -Oyvind