Rock wrote: >I'm building an exercise computer with three 4 digit LCDs (7 segment). I think >that's too many to drive directly with the PIC, and the PIC with a built-in LCD >driver is expensive (and I guess I'd need one for each LCD). I have used the Telcom TC7211 chip a long time ago. It is a four-digit 7-segment LCD controller. I believe that MAXIM is now making (or at least second-sourcing the chip) as ICM7211. I've no idea on the price, but I have used these and the ICM7218 (8-digit 7-segment LED Mux/Decoder/Driver) with success. It (the `7211) uses a four-bit data bus and four seperate digit select pins. Of course you could reduce the pin count by two using some logic circuitry between two pic pins and the four select lines. The data sheet in PDF format can be found at: Best of luck on your reducing program! ;^) Michael /******************************************************************************* \** When the way of the Tao is forgotten, kindness and ethics must be taught. ** ** Men must learn to pretend to be wise and good. -- Lao Tzu ** \******************************************************************************* /