> My advice is use LED instead of LCD. > If you want to use LCD you must know that > it requires a backplane strobe pulse to > keep the display refreshed, otherwise > it'll go blank. Yeah, but almost nobody actually bothers to drive an LCD _directly_. For a four-digit seven-segment LCD with one backplane I would use an MM5452 or MM5453, which drive 32 and 33 LCD segments respectively. These chips require only a resistor and capacitor (to produce the backplane strobe), and have a two-line interface to the micro- controller (clock and data). The comms protocol is trivial. For a four-digit seven-segment LCD with two backplanes I would use a PCF8577, which can drive up to 64 LCD segments. Again, only an RC pair is required, and the two-line interface is now IIC! This allows the chip to share the comms bus with other devices (including other '8577s). The comms protocol is no longer trivial, but IIC software is readily available. As I recall, the original mailer needed to drive three LCD's... With '5453s this would require three chips, and they can't be connected to the same two clock and data lines. They could share a data line, but would all need seperate clock lines. This gives a total of four I/O lines required. With '8577s (and assuming static drive LCDs, that is, one backplane) three chips would again be needed. But in this case all three chips could be connected to the same two-wire IIC bus and separately addressed. So only two I/O lines required. Go to www.semiconductors.philips.com/search/ to search for the PCF8577 data sheet (.pdf). ___Bob