Hi Jens Thanks for the elaborate reaction. I now realise that I had already found your code on the web and studied it (and used it to understand uChips documentation, which would otherwise have been hard). My programmer uses a 16c84 to generate the +14V and to handle all timing, so I won't be hindered by most of the problems you describe. Accidently I once used the 10mS delay routine for the delay between the bits, but beside a very slow operation I did not notice any unexpected behaviour from the pic being programmed. For the PC-to-programmer communication I use rs232 at a modest 19k2 (that's the highest speed supported by the w3.11 terminal, which I use for debugging). To avoid overruns I use a handshake for each character send or received. So far I have had no problems with doing this under a w95 DOS-box (I'll try plain DOS, NT3.51 and w3.11 when I have finished the host program). Using a 16c84 might seem overkill, but it allows some nice touches: - no host-OS induced timing problems - multiple programmers on a single rs232 line - direct comunication with the target using the same serial line At least, that will be the nice touches when I've finished my little project.... Anyway, thanks for tips! Wouter.