Hi all! I receive many requests regarding how to mesure IR parameters using a PC Here I post simple programm in quick basic (included in MS-DOS since 5.0 I guess) The hardware is simple : I use one of the status line (READY) on LPT1 and ground to input signal from remote control receiver. Idle state IR Receiver produces logical 1 on its output. The only problem I faced is that status lines register (I/O address - 379) is read differenly depending upon how do you run your program: under from DOS or Windows. The port 379 with no signal gives when run in dos - 127 (decimal), when run under from Windows - 255 So it is necessary to modify it to work in DOS enwiroment (replace 255 with 127) I ran this programm on 486DX-66 mashine and it was fast enough to wiev IR signals from 3 different IR modules I have at home. For faster masine it might be nesessary to add delay cycle into measuring cycle (between lines 10 and 20). When you run this programm it first wait for signal to appear on LPT line and than you press button on remote control unit and catch input signal. This method allows to study structure of a signal but does not help with timing. To measure time intervals I use SONY remote control unit (it gives signal in discretes of 0.6 ms) as referense to compare with. Note that logical 0 in most of IR receivers is presence of signal. 1 DIM a(800) AS INTEGER 2 rem Waiting for signal to start 5 a(1) = INP(&H379) 8 IF a(1) = 255 THEN GOTO 5 9 rem Store input state to array a(i). You can add dummy cycle within to make a delay 10 FOR i = 2 TO 800 20 a(i) = INP(&H379) 30 NEXT i 39 rem Printing cycle 40 FOR i = 1 TO 800 50 IF a(i) = 255 THEN PRINT "_"; ELSE PRINT "*"; 60 NEXT i 70 PRINT 80 GOTO 5 Regards Vassili