Andre Abelian wrote: > Hi to all engineers. > I am looking for data information about remote > controls.start,data,stop > bits. > I connected directly from remote ic output to digital scope I almost > do > not see any > difference when I press power button or any other the only thing I > found > is > that frequency is 38.45 khz > I use to know name of web site that contained information about every > > remote controllers > just about every brand names it was really excellent web site. > Does any one know any web site that has info about remote controls or > does any body worked on > this kind of project ? > > thank you > > Andre. > > ========================================== > = = > = = > = = > = Andre Abelian: Engine Electronics, Inc.= > = Tel 909-589-5485 Fax 909-598-5695 = > ========================================== Dear Andre you faced with the problem I also did The problem is that some of the remote control units send the command itself only one time when a button is pressed and then continue sending "repeat" command which is the same for all buttons. So when you try to view it on an oscilloscope screen you can see only "repeat" command which is periodic. To catch a real code from remote unit you should use either storage oscilliscope or (which is more realistic) use a simple method I used: I connected IR receiver to parralel port of a PC and wrote simple programm on quick BASIC which reads data from port and displays IR singnal on a PC screen If you need source code in basic I can email it to you. Regards, Vassili BTW it does not matter what is modulation freq in your remote unit. Should work with any.