> This is way off topic No kidding ! > How can a car with ABS brakes come to a stop in a hill? > > Why don't the ABS-system release the brakes when the car stops? The ABS system doesn't do the braking. Your foot does. The ABS uses various methods to effectively make you take your foot off the brake for very short periods. One way is to pulse a very high pressure onto the line for a short time which pushes your foot off the pedal. There are other methods but they get a bit convoluted. Steve. ====================================================== Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680 email: steveb@kcbbs.gen.nz New Lynn, Auckland ph +64 9 820-2221 New Zealand fax +64 9 820-1929 ======================================================