Bob Blick wrote: >Can anyone offer suggestions about getting syntax highlighting to work >for pic assembler under Ultra-Edit 32? I know reading the directions might >help some people, but I've gotten confused. The only tricky part is that you MUST included ALL words that start with the same letter and ONLY words which start with that letter on one line. >I'm really hoping that someone has made the ultimate wordfile that does >highlighting for things I've never dreamed about. I don't know about the ultimate wordfile, but this is an excerpt from my wordfile.txt. It has all the Microchip mnemonics for all thier processors in word list 1, the pseudo-ops supported by MPASM in word list 2 (in some cases a pseudo-op for the 15/16XXX devices is the same as a mnemonic for the 16XXX devices, in which case word list 1 takes precedence), the MPASM directives in word list 3, and a set of pseudo-op-esque macros that I commonly use in word list 4. --- BEGIN WORDFILE.TXT EXCERPT --- /L5"PICmicro Assembly" Line Comment = ; Nocase String Chars = "' File Extensions = ASM INC LST /Delimiters = ; ( ) /C1 ADDLW ADDWF ADDWFC ANDLW ANDWF BCF BSF BTFSC BTFSS BTG CALL CLRF CLRW CLRWDT CLRWT COMF CPFSEQ CPFSGT CPFSLT DAW DCFSNZ DECF DECFSZ GOTO INCF INCFSZ INFSNZ IORLW IORWF LCALL MOVF MOVFP MOVLB MOVLP MOVLW MOVPF MOVWF MULLW MULWF NEGW NOP OPTION RETFIE RETLW RETURN RLCF RLF RLNCF RRCF RRF RRNCF SETF SLEEP SUBLW SUBWF SUBWFB SWAPF TABLRD TABLWT TLRD TLWT TRIS TSTFSZ XORLW XORWF /C2 ADDCF ADDDCF B BC BDC BNC BNDC BNZ BZ CLRC CLRDC CLRZ LCALL LGOTO MOVFW NEGF SETC SETDC SETZ SKPC SKPDC SKPNC SKPNDC SKPNZ SKPZ SUBCF SUBDCF TSTF /C3 __BADRAM __CONFIG __IDLOCS __MAXRAM #DEFINE #ELSE #ENDIF #IF #IFDEF #IFNDEF #INCLUDE #UNDEFINE BANKISEL BANKSEL CBLOCK CODE CONSTANT DATA DB DE DEFINE DT DW ELSE END ENDC ENDIF ENDM ENDW EQU ERROR ERRORLEVEL EXITM EXPAND EXTERN FILL GLOBAL HIGH IDATA IF IFDEF IFNDEF INCLUDE LIST LOCAL MACRO MESSG NOEXPAND NOLIST ORG PAGE PAGESEL PROCESSOR RADIX RES SET SPACE SUBTITLE TITLE UDATA UDATA_OVR UDATA_SHR UNDEFINE VARIABLE WHILE /C4 BCGIE BB BDB BNB BNDB COMW CLRB CLRDB DECW INCW NEGW NOPNOP SETB SETDB SKPB SKPNB SKPDB SKPNDB SWAPWF TSTW --- END WORDFILE.TXT EXCERPT --- -- Alex R. Moon | "Explain something so clearly no one can | misunderstand and someone will." | --Unknown