Hi Bob, A while back I made a wordfile for the 'F84 using Microchip assembly. It isn't bad, but it could be tuned up a bit. If you are interested, I could post an email on the list and include it as text. Editing the wordfile is not that hard once you figure it out. Basically it will highlight any word specified in the wordfile. I think it also works with comments. Hope this helps, Eric ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Ultra-Edit + pic asm ? Author: Bob Blick at INTERNET Date: 1/22/98 10:26 AM Can anyone offer suggestions about getting syntax highlighting to work for pic assembler under Ultra-Edit 32? I know reading the directions might help some people, but I've gotten confused. I'm really hoping that someone has made the ultimate wordfile that does highlighting for things I've never dreamed about. Thanks, Bob