There are several code examples at Just type stepper in the search box. Glen Benson --------------------- SNIP ------------------------------------------- At 06:53 AM 1/21/98 EST, you wrote: >Hi all > >Need help,I am building a small table robot using stepper motor, in stead >of servo motors and would like to use the 16c84 pic chips as my drivers >for the steppers. I con get the stepper to go forward and backward by >using just a program >its self in the 16c84 but I want to run the steppers with 16c84 drivers >hooked up to >the STAMP MICRO CONTROLLER, but I need a program HELP!!!! I use the >basic >compiler basco,mplab, and the pip-02 to program the pic, THANK YOU. > >The Stepper input 4phase motor 1step=0110 2step=1010 3step=1001 >4step=0101 > > JIM S > >