Hi Maybe try Viking server. It is a wonderful quick internet/intranet/mail server that also handles cross-standard chat and a very lot other things I don«t understand... It also speeds up surfing by efficient caching, prefetching, preconnecting and other stuff. It runs under Win95 or WinNT. It is high performance and is in use by companies etc, but is also small and efficcient for small use. Amazingly it runs nicely on my old Pentium 90, living in the systemtray, and when I start surfing om another computer in the network it dials up automatically. Of course it also supports faster connection types. The free beta versions have been out long time now, I dont know if the shareware classification is ready yet. check out http://www.robtex.se/viking There also is a mailing-list like this for viking! BTW, If you have not tried it yet, try the fast browser OPERA. It is much faster than the competitors, handles screen space very efficient, and support zooming. Shortly, it is much nicer to surf with, although it don«t have all fancy Microsoft or Netscape "home-made" extensions. check out http://opera.nta.no Regards /Morgan At 22:02 1997-01-21 +0200, you wrote: >Does anyone know of freeware that allows you to share a single internet >connection (dial -up) over a win95 network. > >The ones one tucows.com are all 30 day trail runs... > >Please e-mail me personally. > >Regards >Kevin > > Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, Sweden, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax 70331 ============================================================================