I am using a 16C84 PIC to create a light bar for the 5 marker lamps (Cabover lights) on top of a Chevrolet Truck. The lights scroll left or right when that respective blinker is on. They also all blink in sync with the Emergency Flashers and are all on solid with when the parking lamps are on (with no blinker or flashers). For the record, I have 3 inputs: left / right blinker, and parking lights. The 5 light outputs from the PIC are input into a 74LS04, Hex Inverter. The 5 outputs of the Hex Inverter drive the coils of 5 Radio Shack 5VDC Reed Relays (part# 275-232). The relay contacts are passing 13 to 13.8V to the lights. The current for each light is about 275ma (.275 Amps). The problem is the CONTACTS of the reed relays are sticking intermittently. Any of the 5 contacts may stick. The coil voltage is not the problem. The contacts may still be stuck after powering down the circuit and powering back up without any power to the coil. I have also shorted the coil while the contacts are stuck to no avail. Heat is NOT the problem for the sticky contacts. The contacts have become stuck immediately after the entire system had sat for hours. However, sometimes it is necessary to cool the system for several seconds to unstick the contacts. I would appreciate any technical input anyone might be able to provide. On a lesser note, I have been unable to locate the manufacturer of the relay. There is an 'OMR' or 'DMR' and a 'DEG' name on the relay. Any ideas on who and where this company is located. Thanks.... ------------------------------------------------- Work all day & night, deliver on time & on budget, Regards, and justice for all... Bill Bryson