Bill: I have also found value in "brainstorming sessions" which are as open as possible. With way the brain works, even totally off-topic, nonsensical comments can lead to valuable or original problem solutions. You may be a tad too harsh in your appraisal of this group. - Wayne Foletta BMI - Saratoga, CA > ---------- > From: Bill (WL) Boulton[SMTP:bill-794@WINSHOP.COM.AU] > Reply To: pic microcontroller discussion list > Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 1998 2:26 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: List Objectives - What are they? > > To All, > > I think... > > "IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE, SHUT-UP!" >