Just as a follow up, I tried the TMR0 Interrupt Handler Code out last night on a 16F84 and guess what? It worked fine. In the interrupt handler, I simply output a "0" on a bit to light an LED. So, If you have a mid-range part and need a second interrupt pin or can't use RB0, here you go. Douglas J.A.R.Sasse asked: >First Myke, Where or What is the ISB Number for the PIC Programming book? Hardcopy: 0-07-913645-1 Softcopy: 0-07-913646-X >also where Might i do a search (Hardware) for a GRiD Compass 1109 computer >(laptop) this has NO Floppy drive port's and uses Bubble Memmory for hard >drive's A-I and has a GPIB and a 19 pin Serial [ ****** ] No idea - maybe posting a request on one of the sci.electronics newsgroups would give you some pointers. An Alta-Vista search might yield something as well. Good Luck! myke "Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller" is the January 1998 Electronics Book Club Main Selection. See "http://www.myke.com".