Wil, make sure you are in the 2-line mode and note the display address for a 40 x 2 display. After the first 3 0x30's send 0x38. The address map is (decimal): Line 1: 0 -> 39 Line 2: 64 -> 103 - Tom At 06:55 PM 1/19/98 -0800, you wrote: >Hi > >I have several curcuits working with a pic 16c84 driving 1x16 generic lcd >displays. The larger displays have been a problem for me. I would >appreciate someone stepping me through the init code for the optrex >dmc40218. I understand that there is a code of 0x30 sent three times and >all of the display on cursor on/off stuff but I am still not getting >results. I may have things in the wrong order or may be missing something >entirely. My circuit is 8 bit ( not 4 like most of the lit on the net). >Thanks for your help! > >Wil Reeder >teachtech@bc.sympatico.ca >Vancouver, Canada > >