Hi Need help, I am building a small table robot using stepper motors in sted of servo motors and would like to use the 16c84 pic chips as my drivers for the steppers. I can get the stepper to go forward and backward by using just the program its self in the 16c84 but I want to run the steppers with 16c84 drivers hooked up to the STAMP Microcontroller, but I need a program,HELP!! i use the basic compilerBASCO, mplab,and pip-02 to program the pic. My Set Up Pic 16c84 __________ ___\/___ STEPPER I I I pin0 I=====I ---\/-----I I STAMP I I pin1 I=====I I= I RB0-------------pin7 I pin2 I=====I I= - I I I pin3 I=====I----------I I RB1-------------pin6I I =led4=forward I I I_____ I=led5=backward I_________I STEP1=0110 STEP2=1010 STEP3=1001 STEP4=0101