At 10:21 PM 1/20/98 +0100, Bertel Schmitt wrote: > >Interesting points. Thanks for the clarification. I don't think the owner >will want to turn their property into a landing strip (BTW, a major airport >is 5 miles away, which could lead to interesting phenomena at night) so >strobes with I/R filters would be called for :) > >BS Actually, in my impractical design idea #1, I suggested: >Place triggerable xenon flash units behind IR filters every 10 feet along ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So, I actually was thinking along those very lines.... - Rick "Next week's lesson: Reading for Comprehension" Dickinson +---------------------------------+---------------------------+ | Enterprise ArchiTechs Company |"You can't reason someone | | Lotus Certified Notes | out of a position they | | Appl. Design & Administration | didn't reason themselves | |(818)563-1061 | into" -- Rick Adams, | | | in alt.folklore.urban | +---------------------------------+---------------------------+