At 09:38 PM 1/19/98 -0500, you wrote: >>* Less than 10nA input bias current > >You can get around the bias current limitation by providing another path >for the bias current to flow rather than through the input terminating >resistor. Put another large resistor at the input connected to an >adjustable voltage and adjust the voltage until the output voltage is >zero both with the input open and with it shorted. The input resistance >is then approximately the two resistors in parallel (one to supply, one >to ground). This is a good idea even if the amplifier you use has a >rather low bias current, as it prevents current from flowing out of the >scope and into the circuit under test. > Mike, thanks for the idea. I had thought of something similar but I didn't think that it would be possible to compensate like this without causing a big DC offset. I'll try it. >>* OK to operate off +5 and gnd (not necessarily input range incl. GND, >>just >>doesn't need more than 5v spread from Vcc to Vee) > >You may need a negative voltage to supply the bias current, but this is a >good idea anyway since using a dual-supply op amp opens up a lot more >choices. Without a negative supply to the front-end, I'm not sure how >you intend to be able to measure negative input voltages without lifting >the input ground from the rest of the circuit ground (a rather bad idea). > I did lift the input ground from the circuit ground, but not just with a resistive divider, I have a slow speed op-amp with a resistive divider as a reference, the op-amp then feeds a complimentary pair of bipolar transistors and the negative input of the slow op-amp goes to the output of the pair, and the output of the pair is also bypassed to ground through .1 uF and 22uF caps. Not the best solution , I realize, but I wanted the whole thing to operate off a single supply for simplicity. For scope inputs which do not pass DC, I have a resistor (value not yet selected) across the input. >A real simple way to get a few mA of bipolar supplies would be too use >the voltae converters in a MAX232 style chip. Linear regulators after >the converter would be a good idea for consistent performance and to help >remove switching noise. > >>* Less than 10mV input offset voltage > >Don't get too hung up on maintaining a zero DC offset through the >amplifier, it makes it rather complicated. Many, many useful scopes >aren't designed to measure absolute DC input voltage (i.e. the VERTICAL >POSITION dial isn't calibrated). Digital scopes are lousy as voltmeters >anyway due to the small number of bits in the converter. > Well, I'm not bothering to compensate for offset voltage, so I wanted it to be low initially. a 10 mV difference times the 10x gain would place a .1 V error (or 5 percent DC error on the whole 2V scale of my ADC) on the ADC. I was considering this to be about the upper limit for the contribution from offset voltage. >>* Voltage feedback > >If you're configuring the amplifier as a noninverting amp with the signal >applied to the + input and feedback at the - input, a current feedback >amp will work fine. They just have a low impedance at the - input >terminal, requiring the use of smaller resistors in the feedback network. > With proper feedback maintained, the + input terminal is voltage >sensitive and high impedance. > I must admit, I was opting for voltage feedback mainly out of ignorance of current feedback op amps, however, I have explored a few current feedback ones and didn't find them much superior for my application. >>If not, does anyone know of a buffer that can at least provide a flat >>gain >>of 1 and has the rest of these characteristics? > >I'd be tempted to try JFET source followers between the input and the >voltage gain stage. DC offset may go out the window, but my opinion is >that that isn't too critical in a scope. > Well, I guess I may have to sacrifice the DC accuracy anyway so ultimately, this may end up being what I do. > >>the op amp that I am using.) I have not finished soldering in the >>components, though, so I could switch op-amps if there was one which >>was >>pin-compatible. > >I may be suggesting a total re-design, but you should explore your >present design some more to find out its limitations. The first unit >built shouldn't be expected to work really well. > Yeah, I realize that, but being a college student, my budget is quite small and I can't order a new prototype board very often. I was hoping to get decent, not perfect, performance out of this first prototype. I felt that a professionally made board (AP circuits in this case) would give me the best RF performance (double sided w/large ground plane, plated thru hole, using surface mount for all analog ICs) >>Also, does anyone know of a way to some how cancel out >>input bias current without having to know the source impedance? > >I touched on this above. If the amplifier only has to handle AC signals, >then the bias curent can be automatically cancelled. Use another >low-performance op amp to supply slow feedback to supply the proper bias >current to force the main amplifier's average output to zero. I think >this is called a "DC Servo". If you need to amplify signals near DC >(which most useful scopes do), then better hope the bias current is >constant and use a fixed adjustment. > >An off-the wall idea would be to use a dual amp, one side connected just >to measure and amplify bias current. This would be applied to the other >one (which is amplifying the signal) to cancel its bias current. The two >amplifiers in a dual chip should track each other fairly close. > Both of these ideas deserve serious consideration if I do make a second prototype, but as I said, I don't think I am going to try to implement them now, being that the board is already etched. Thanks for all your suggestions and I will try the bias current cancellation technique which you suggested. Thanks again (I sure do get lots of great ideas on this list), Sean +--------------------------------+ | Sean Breheny | | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | | Electrical Engineering Student | +--------------------------------+ Phone(USA): (607) 253-0315