Hello again, Thanks for all the responses. I gather from the responses that it would be best to keep the input impedance as high as possible, so that's what I will try to do. I did forget to mention that the input buffer op amp that I am using has a significant input bias current, several uA, so as far as I can see, this will severly limit how high I can make my input impedance. It will probably not be able to be high than a few K, in parallel with the abt. 20pF or so of cap. due to the op-amp and the board, etc. However, if the input atten. network is set to a higher atten, this impedance will go up, of course. If anyone can see any way around the problem of input bias current, please let me know. As for input protection, I had looked at various diodes and TVS devices, and they all had a rather high capacitance, so I rejected using them. The op-amp that handles the input is a bi-polar op-amp, so I hope it won't be too sensitive to esd. Now that I am beginning to realize that my input impedance must be lower than I expected, I guess that the few added pF of diode cap. won't make that much difference so I might go back to using, say, two back-to-back 6.2V 500mW zeners from op-amp input to ground. These will come after the input atten. network so I will actually be able to give the scope inputs higher than 6.8 V. I had also planned on attempting to make my own probe. Maybe this is not cost effective? Last time I checked, probes were rather expensive, >$30. I was just going to take a standard meter probe tip, place the appropriate value resistor with a trim cap. across it, in the tip in series with the center conductor of some coax, attach an aligator clip to the sheild, and then solder a BNC onto the other end. Right idea, or wrong idea?? I sure do appreciate everyone's advice, you are saving me a lot of time, money, and hassle. I'll let you know how it works/publish schematics on the web when I am finished. Thanks, Sean +--------------------------------+ | Sean Breheny | | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | | Electrical Engineering Student | +--------------------------------+ http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/shb7 mailto:shb7@cornell.edu Phone(USA): (607) 253-0315