I'd appreciate any suggestions on inexpensive LCD drivers to use with a PIC. I'm building an exercise computer with three 4 digit LCDs (7 segment). I think that's too many to drive directly with the PIC, and the PIC with a built-in LCD driver is expensive (and I guess I'd need one for each LCD). I'm thinking of a 16F84 controlling three LCD drivers or maybe one driver multiplexed amoung the three LCDs. This is my first project using LCDs (for low power) and the blasted things seem more complicated than LEDs. Which drivers and method make sense to use? I am so consumed with designing this that I've given up exercising until it is done. I'm turning to fat even as you read this. Please help. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com