Try I ordered a PCB and built it- works well. Regards, Harijs. Nigel Goodwin wrote: > In message <>, Cary Smith > writes > >Hello everyone, > > I am thinking of builing and a eprom programmer. I was wondering if > >anyone knows how to write to and read from the serial and parallel > >ports. I know they are memory addressed. Any example could would also be > >nice. > > I've got a file I downloaded called '', it includes a circuit > diagram and Turbo Pascal source code (in German!) for programming > 2764/128/256 via the parallel port. I can't remember where it came from, > but if you would like it E-Mail me and I'll send it you. > > -- > > Nigel. > > /--------------------------------------------------------------\ > | Nigel Goodwin | Internet : | > | Lower Pilsley | Web Page : | > | Chesterfield | | > | England | | > \--------------------------------------------------------------/