Peter & Dave, I have not personally used microEngineering Labs BASIC language, but I have used their assembler. After finding the documentation severly misleading and ambiguous, I wrote to them to ask a few questions and give a few suggestions. Their reply left *A LOT* to be desired. In a nutshell, they had my money and they weren't getting enough people howling to make them change a thing. I had told this story about a year ago on this list and received a reply from a person who had purchased their BASIC and he said that the documentation for it was poorly written but passable. While taking "third-hand" opinions is always suspect, I *can* testify first-hand that their attitude toward their customers and their products leave me cold. Caveat emptor, non? Michael When the way of the Tao is forgotten, kindness and ethics must be taught. Men must learn to pretend to be wise and good. -- Lao Tzu