Keith, I designed a Lattice ispLSI1016-based chip that implements common microprocessor signals and a 19 Bit address bus. It connects to PC bidirectional parallel ports where the control register, bit 5, controls the direction. It does require an external 74xx245 bus transceiver. I've used it for a variety of projects from interfacing A/Ds to loading a Dallas 512K NVSRAM/Clock with math tables for my PIC-based weather station. I intend to put it up on my `seriously in need of update' web page soon. The following is a `snippet' from the spec: - Tom ---------- Generates: !CS ---------- !CS Chip Select !RD ---------- !RD Read Data !WD ---------- !WD Write Data DIR --------- Data Direction for External Bus Buffer. 1 = Read (R/W) HBEN -------- High Byte Enable A0 -> A18 --- 19 Bit Address States: State S2 S1 S0 Action ----------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 !RD Generates !CS DIR = 1 1 0 0 1 !WD Generates !CS DIR = 0 2 0 1 0 LE0 A0 -> A7 Latch Enable DIR = 0 3 0 1 1 LE1 A8 -> A15 Latch Enable DIR = 0 4 1 0 0 LE2 A16 -> A18 Latch Enable DIR = 0 5 1 0 1 HBEN Latches HBEN from D0 DIR = 0 PC Parallel Port, FPGA Input/Output Interface: DB25 FPGA PC Control FPGA Outputs --------------------------------------- --------------- 1 STRB *14 SEL IN 3 !C0 !CS 25 I/O 8 2 D0 15 D0 I/O 0 !RD 26 I/O 9 3 D1 16 D1 I/O 1 !WD 27 I/O 10 4 D2 17 D2 I/O 2 DIR 28 I/O 11 5 D3 18 D3 I/O 3 HBEN 29 I/O 12 6 D4 19 D4 I/O 4 A0 10 I/O 31 7 D5 20 D5 I/O 5 A1 9 I/O 30 8 D6 21 D6 I/O 6 A2 8 I/O 29 9 D7 22 D7 I/O 7 A3 7 I/O 28 14 AutoFd *24 S0 IN 0 !C1 A4 6 I/O 27 16 Init *36 S1 IN 1 C2 A5 5 I/O 26 17 Select * 2 S2 IN 2 !C3 A6 4 I/O 25 18 GND A7 3 I/O 24 A8 44 I/O 23 * pDS Router assigned these Pins A9 43 I/O 22 A10 42 I/O 21 A11 41 I/O 20 A12 40 I/O 19 A13 39 I/O 18 FPGA Power: A14 38 I/O 17 A15 37 I/O 16 1,23 GND A16 32 I/O 15 12,34 Vcc A17 31 I/O 14 A18 30 I/O 13 At 01:10 PM 1/16/98 +0000, you wrote: [snip] >Try the Lattice chips. They're meant to be in-site programmable, >so they have to be quite open about programming so that people >can get their production jigs to program them. > >Why not make a general-purpose parallel I/O port and PSU outlet. >With a standard connector like the Arcom Control Systems >signal conditioning bus connector (50-way IDC). Or opto-22. > >Then you'd have a far more useful gadget which you could make >separate plug-in boards for: >- GAL programming >- EPROM programming >- Flash ROM programming >- I2C bus EEPROMs >- Smart cards >- PIC chips >- any thing you have yet to think of. >You'd also be able to use any of Arcom's off-the shelf >signal conditioning boards for opto-isolated switching of mains, >relays, etc. Why re-invent the wheel? > >TTFN, KH > >