At 08:27 PM 16/01/98 EST, you wrote: >Bill >Its DULEY not DUDLEY Sorry. Thought it was a typo. (very red face) >All the original post said was Hall effect sensor. I have used the Interupter >type hall sensors. They are very expensive! Not Hall effect. I am suggesting what nobody seems to have considered for that diesel boat engine and that is an INDUCTIVE (reluctor) type. Been used since the '60s on European vehicles. Got to be some cheapies at wreckers or from after market auto suppliers. The nice things about them are 1) they work in horrible filth, 2) don't need the tight clearances of Hall sensors, 3) no power required (2 wires) and 4) they're built to last. On this one, you really can "Roll Your Own" if you want to. I wouldn't. Bill BTW. I've read the specs on sorta similar units from RS & Farnells and they are deffinitely not in the same class. Low sensitivity, expensive & fragile.