I was wondering if some one could help me in figuring out how to compare two numbers and either add one or subtract one on the pic16c72. In the varable V there is a constant 100 The ADC is read in to W and V needs to be compared with the value In the varable D is stored the result of the system, initilized to 100, this is either added to or subtracted to. I have tried this but it all it does is give me 50% duty cycle out. MOVF ADRES,W ; Get A/D value SUBWF V,W ; Test it SKPNC ; Positive? GOTO POS ; Yes goto add MOVLW 0x01 ; No setup for subtract SUBWF D,W ; Subtract one GOTO CONT ; go to continue POS MOVF D,W ;setup for add ADDLW 0x01 CONT MOVWF D ; stores new result back into D for next loop MOVWF CCPR1L ; to PWM register channel 1 Thanks in avance Eric.