Hi Gareth, Well I think that some of questions are disappearing just because nobody has the answer, or because all of the folks are discussing other subjects. I had such an experience these days with a question about I2C FM/IF & PLL receiver (no news no bones - as we say in Bulgaria) Evgeni -----Original Message----- From: Gareth McClean [SMTP:gmcclean@STBNI.CO.UK] Sent: Friday, January 16, 1998 7:52 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: PIC to Floppy Let me first apologise if this message appears twice on the list, but it looks like my previous message has disappeared into thin air. I'm interested to find anyone who has interfaced a PIC to a standard floppy drive for data storage. I don't care if the format of the disc is non-standard. What I am interested in, is if someone has example code to Read & Write data (here we go on - MFM encoding :-)). My intention is to produce a low cost, high capacity storage device connected to an I2C bus (for personal use). Thanks in advance Gareth Project & Operations Manager, STB Systems Inc. Tel: +44 1232 258402, Fax +44 1232 319970, WWW Page: www.stb.com