Hey, Thanks Carlos, I was looking for this and did not know it was under my nose! Greg >>> Carlos Betancourt 01/15/98 05:50pm >>> Hi, List mates. I'm new in the pic world and this is my first post to the list. By now, I've been reading manuals and simulating code in my PC so I've given some first steps. I think that the solution to this problem is a BINARY to BCD conversion routine. In application note AN544 you will find the code you need for 8bit and 16bit numbers. Notice that this routines are written for the 17c42. They are sort of long so I won't include them within this post. Surf Microchip's site (www.microchip.com). You'll find AN544 at: http://www.microchip.com/10/Appnote/PIC17CXX.htm BCD ARITHMETIC ROUTINES start on page 37. I Hope it helps. Carlos Betancourt CETI-UNET Venezuela