I agree with the comments made about manufacturers not wanting a lot of amateur device programmers about. The problem seems to be one of their own making, i.e. a proliferation of programming methods. You don't get the same problems putting data into RAM chips, and EPROM programming algorithms are reasonably well documented. Elektor did a GAL programmer that did a few types of 16V8 and 20V8. It's 100x160 Eurocard, but the stupid placement of the LPT connector means it can't slide into any Eurorack. It has an on-board PSU (groan) The I/O is done by a few cheap 4094 shift registers (minimises PCB tracks). I built it, and bought the Elektor software disk (#15) - total cost c. #50 They then published a kludge board for 22V10s. And wanted me to buy another disk (#15!) They passed on my request for the Pascal source code to the author, but I guess he is in the same position as the GAL maufacturers. I made it when I had spare time and no job. I then found a job and have no spare time for hobby electronics. So it's just filling my junk box. >From industrial experience, I found 22V10s are much more available as producers feel less demand for smaller chips. Even if the logic could fit in a 16V8, I'd layout the PCB for a 22V10 because someone always asks for more at some stupid late stage in the design! Try the Lattice chips. They're meant to be in-site programmable, so they have to be quite open about programming so that people can get their production jigs to program them. Why not make a general-purpose parallel I/O port and PSU outlet. With a standard connector like the Arcom Control Systems signal conditioning bus connector (50-way IDC). Or opto-22. Then you'd have a far more useful gadget which you could make separate plug-in boards for: - GAL programming - EPROM programming - Flash ROM programming - I2C bus EEPROMs - Smart cards - PIC chips - any thing you have yet to think of. You'd also be able to use any of Arcom's off-the shelf signal conditioning boards for opto-isolated switching of mains, relays, etc. Why re-invent the wheel? TTFN, KH