Hi all, I don't have the data specs for the PIC16F84 and I understand it has some improvements in the brown out and reset circuitry. I'm building a project where I want to manually reset the processor. Additionally, the circuit is being powered from a regulated 5V power supply, so I don't think brownout is a problem. Can somebody confirm if I can connect the MCLR pin to GND via a momentry push button switch to reset the processor, or the appropriate circuitry required to do this. Thanks again, Peter. -- Peter Homann email: peterh@adacel.com.au Work : +61 3 9596-2991 Adacel Technologies Ltd Fax : +61 3 9596-2960 250 Bay St, Brighton 3186, VIC, AUSTRALIA Mobile : 014 025-925 http://www.adacel.com.au Australian Software Engineering Excellence