Kam Bansal wrote: > > Hi all! > > I've just joined the piclist, and have entered the world of pic programming! woo woo! I have *alot* > of questions, and will hold asking them till I have read all the archive stuff, but one question I > do have is, is there a good (?) c/c++ compiler for pic chips? I'm sure that this has been asked a > million times, and it is in the archives, but this is something that I would like to get asap! > Hi Kam. I would suggest that you look at the CCS compiler ( http://www.ccsinfo.com/picc.html ). Although it does not follow the C standard exactly, it is 99%. The cost is just $100 and includes *a lot* of routines for interfacing with other devices (LCDs, I2C, RS-232, etc). I've only had one 'real' problem with the compiler but it was (is) being quickly taken care of. They seem to fix any bugs in the compiler as they are reported instead of just issuing an update once or twice a year. If you buy it and don't like it, you're out $100. Compaired to the $700 PIC compilers out there, it's quite a deal. The $700 compilers might be more true to the C standard, but what good is a compiler that you can't afford? Jim