Could you clue me in on the gotcha's relative to the PIC slave code? The literature leads me to believe that the slave functionality is all implemented in hardware. It looks like all I have to do is read the data in the SSPBUF register after recieveing an interrupt to do so (if i have interrupts enabled - else i could poll for it). Daniel Najemy - Numaliine Power Systems > -----Original Message----- > From: Keith Howell [SMTP:keithh@ARCAM.CO.UK] > Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 11:02 AM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: I2C Slave Funtionality > > Najemy, Daniel wrote: > > > Does anyone have any code I can look at that implements the I2C > > functionality into the PIC16CXXX family? > > I expect they have, but the more of the bus you want to implement, > the less likely anyone is to give it to you. > > PIC Single Master code: relatively easy. > Beware Microchip's application notes. > They really are half-baked. > > PIC Slave code: much harder > Microchip have NO application notes. > Microchip SSP documentation is flawed and > inadequate to implement slave behaviour. > I've got it working though. > > PIC Multimaster code: even harder and rarer > > PIC Multi master and Slave: hardest! > I think I've managed to do this BUT > it's another job to prove it. > > Because it takes such a lot of work to do anything > beyond single master, and you can't get any decent > free code from Microchip, people are reluctant to > give away the fruit of their own labour easily. > > I hope my employers will let me release my I2C work. > There's a lot of demand for it. > Don't hold your breath!