> > There are three common ways to do a subtract,Microchip uses > one of them in the PIC's and 6502 and 6805 use the other two. > They all treat the carry different. This is the main reason that > assembly code cannot be easily translated with macros from > one processor to the next. It is the use of the carry bit I was refering to not the instruction syntax (which is I believe unique) The carry following subtract on the Microchip PIC's is one of the three results possible in all of the implementations that I have encountered. It is the same result as a 6502 except for the subtract 0 case. The difference is the carry bit shows the results of the last operation in the process. Take the following examples with both a and b set to 0 result = a + ~b + 1 Carry=1 or result = ~b + 1 + a Carry=0 Walter Banks