John Payson wrote: > > That is true however with embedded systems the question is > > if the ROM can be proven defective then what? The answer depends > > on the application. In John's original post he was making a point that > > the ROM test routine for something like the 17Cxxx parts could be > > placed in a more reliable ROM than the application is stored in. > > In some situations, the device may be designed so that if the checksum > on the flash fails, it will still provide some minimal degree of func- > tionality including the ability to signal the failure and/or request and > receive new code (e.g. if the device has a modem it could call up a > central system where the code was kept). > -Snip- > In general, though, unless something useful can be done in case of a CRC > failure there isn't much point in even having the check. > I disagree. I make products for human safety in industrial environment, devices that controls that no person is within the reach of a potentialy dangerous machine, such as an industrial robot or a press, when it is working. These devices has to make sure that the dangerous machine stops if a person enters its working zone in order to prevent injuries or even death. A safety device of this category has to be able to stop the dangerous machine even if there is failure in any of its components. This is most often done with a two channel design, where the both channels do the same evaluation of the inputs and then checks that they both have come up with the same result and then activates the outputs that keeps the dangerous machine going if the inputs say so. (Dynamicaly refreshed outputs that has to be triggered every programcycle to be activated.) If this device is done with microprocessors and there is any chance that the program code in one processor can become corrupt and fail in such a way that it isn't detected by the other processor and that it disables some of it's safety functions, say allways detecting an input as active, it could, in worst case, cause the death of a person entering the dangerous zone at the wrong time. Since it can be very hard and timeconsuming to check the effect of a fault in every single bit of the programcode a checksum routine is very useful. In this case a checksum of the ROM (or the EPROM for PIC's) could detect the corrupt code and prevent the safety outputs >from activating. Of course, the checksum code itself would have to be carefuly designed so that the probability of detecting an error in this code would be high. One way to do this could be to have two checksum routines in different codespace which where alternated every other programcycle. A fault in one would be detected in the other. In a way this is something useful though, so I guess I agree anyway :-) ----------------------------------- Ruben Jšnsson AB Liros Elektronik, Sweden -----------------------------------