I imagine that the engine RPM is fairly low (2000 - 3000 RPM), so why not attatch a small steel vane (or more) on the pulley on the crank shaft (or even the alternator pulley) and use an integrated Hall Effect/Magnet assembly to sense when the vane passes through it. Use the PIC to decode and display the RPM. These things work up to 130C so temp shouldn't be a problem. The units are fully sealed and it shouldn't matter if the vane(s) pick up a bit of sump residue, as long as it is not metallic (unlikely). Some of these engines have a tacho drive which comes off the injector pump. Maybe you could use this to drive a similar sensor setup and as it is cable driven it would be remote from the engine compartment. I made a digital speedo which sensed the rotation of the magnet assembley inside an old speedo housing and it worked quite well. Regards Tony For the beginner.... PicNPoke Multimedia 16F84 Simulator Assembler, and Tutorial. Now with PicNPlay circuit simulator. Plus animated Address Mode Tutor. http://www.dontronics.com/picnpoke.html