Andrew Mayo wrote: > Hear hear!. But also my pet gripe. Please may we have a CMP > instruction. > It is very aggravating that you cannot test a register for a value > without destroying W or another register (AFAIK). And could Mchip take > the individual responsible for the bizarre sublw instruction and the > backwards behaviour of the C flag and shoot him or her before they > design any more microcontrollers. Finally can we have an instruction > to > save W and status when servicing an interrupt and another to restore > them to avoid this silly swapf mumbo-jumbo - ingenious but peculiar. > I'd go along with that 10,000%! While we're at it, how about being able to indirectly address individual register bits, so you could step your way through register bits for various bit tests and operations. > Take heart - code-protected devices *can* be saved - use a germicidal > UV > lamp to restore them from the dead - takes about 10 mins. Feeble EPROM > erasers don't cut it for this task. > And they're really really really sanitary when you're done, too! ;-) -Frank Frank Richterkessing FRANK.RICHTERKESSING@APPL.GE.COM