Hear hear!. But also my pet gripe. Please may we have a CMP instruction. It is very aggravating that you cannot test a register for a value without destroying W or another register (AFAIK). And could Mchip take the individual responsible for the bizarre sublw instruction and the backwards behaviour of the C flag and shoot him or her before they design any more microcontrollers. Finally can we have an instruction to save W and status when servicing an interrupt and another to restore them to avoid this silly swapf mumbo-jumbo - ingenious but peculiar. Take heart - code-protected devices *can* be saved - use a germicidal UV lamp to restore them from the dead - takes about 10 mins. Feeble EPROM erasers don't cut it for this task. PS: has anyone heard any news about the Scenix chip - I still think its the hardware equivalent of vapourware but others have said it does exist. > ---------- > From: Alex Holden[SMTP:alex_holden@GEOCITIES.COM] > Reply To: alex_holden@geocities.com > Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 4:27 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: PIC wish list > > I was just wondering what things others would most like to see > implemented in PICs (or even other microcontrollers such as Atmel). > Perhaps the fabled 'Microchip Lurkers' could pass on the best ideas to > their R&D department! Here are some of my ideas: > > Flash or EEPROM program memory in as many devices as possible. CERDIPs > are too expensive, and take too long to erase. > Fix the evil code protect fuse bug (or is it a _feature_??). I wonder > how many PICs have been needlessly trashed through the accidental > setting of the code protect fuse? > More counter/timers and more than one programmable prescaler in the > small devices. I always seem to run out of them! > 14 bit 8 pin devices. I thought I had seen the last of TRIS > instructions > ;) > > What other ideas do you have? > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > - > : Alex Holden- Electronics student, Caver, and Land Rover enthusiast. > : > : http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1532/ > : > ------------ Linux- The choice of a GNU generation. > ----------------- >