Microchip have just dumped their own C compiler and replaced it with the Hi-Tech compiler, which is _generally_ considered to be the best. They realized that they were in the silicon business, not the compiler business, and with the proliferation of 3rd party compilers, it was no longer necessary for them to produce an admittedly inferior one. CIAO - Martin. On Tue, 13 Jan 1998 09:35:45 -0400, "Stevenson, Brad" wrote: >Hello, > >New guy on the list here. I've done a few projects with the PIC, the >last one being quite large. I've been doing all of the programming in >assembler, but now I'd like to use C. > >I have not heard good things regarding the compiler offered from >Microchip (although it does support 12,14 and 16 bit devices). >On the other hand, I have heard good things about the CCS compiler even >though it appears to only support 12 and 14 bit devices. Bytecraft also >makes one, but I haven't heard anything about it. > >Any comments on these compilers or other compilers I'm not aware of >would be really appreciated. > >Thanks, > > >Brad Stevenson, CET >The DPL Group - Telecom Techniques >506-635-1055 or 1-800-561-8880 >http://www.dpl.ca Martin R. Green elimar@NOSPAMbigfoot.com To reply, remove the NOSPAM from the return address. Stamp out SPAM everywhere!!!